Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Color Component in Business Cards Design

Of all the forms of non-verbal communication, color is the most instantaneous method of conveying messages and meanings. Our very survival depends on the ability to identify necessary objects and/or warning signals from colors that we relate to them.

Often called the "silent salesperson," color must immediately attract the holder's eye, convey the message of what the business is about, create a brand identity, and most importantly help to make the sale. 

Professional designers know that color selection is one of the most crucial elements when creating any project, whether it's in print or on the Web. The same holds true for business card design, and the small space adds an extra challenge: How do you make your card to stand out without looking kitschy?

The first thing you should do is familiarize yourself with the color wheel, a great reference for choosing simple color combinations that differentiate your business cards. If you follow the basic color wheel theory, you can easily come up with appropriate designs that look great.


Color Schemes

Here's a brief overview of color scheme selection methods you can use when designing hot business card.


One way to add a touch of class and professionalism to your business card is using a monochromatic color scheme. In this type of color scheme, you choose one color as your base color and all other colors are simply different shades of that color. Try using a blue as your base color and adding 50 percent white and 50 percent black to round out a monochromatic color scheme. Monochromatic color schemes are often used for business cards of a highly professional nature and tend to represent strength and stability. It's hard to go wrong with the monochromatic scheme because it's almost always aesthetically appealing; however, a lack of contrast can also make this scheme seem boring.


Analogous color schemes use colors that are adjacent to each other on the color wheel and are often a great choice for business card design. They're similar to monochromatic color schemes, but add a sprig of contrast that can brighten your client's business cards. Like monochromatic schemes, analogous schemes are very easy to work with and almost always look great. Using blue as an example, you could complete your pallet with a purple and a teal. When using adjacent color combinations don't stray too far from your base color or you'll risk adding too much contrast or even making your business card look boorish. Analogous color schemes can be vibrant or subtle and work well across many industries.


The most striking designs often incorporate a complementary color scheme, which uses two opposite colors from the color wheel such as blue and yellow or green and purple. Use complementary color schemes for bold, fun business cards, but take great care to ensure that the combinations you use look great together. Complementary color schemes run the risk repelling potential customers if the colors don't mix well.


Many designers use triadic color schemes because they offer clean, balanced aesthetics and contrast for a well-rounded business card. Triadic colors are spaced evenly apart on the color wheel; this type of color scheme gets its name from the triangle shape produced by drawing a connecting line between the chosen colors. To create a triadic pallet, simply choose a base color the two colors that are at an equal distance apart on the color wheel. 
There are other color schemes and much more to color theory, but choosing one of the above methods will help you design great business cards that your clients - and their customers - will love. Experiment with colors and always check with others before settling on a design - a set of fresh eyes can always cast an objective light on your business card designs.

Color Emotional Associations

Much of the human reaction to color is subliminal and consumers are generally unaware of the persuasive effects of color.

Below are some emotional associations that people tend to associate with certain colors. These are important to keep in mind in order to create an effective business card that will appeal to the holder on a subconscious level.

Don't try to reinvent the color wheel. Use color combinations to your advantage! 



Blue is often considered to be the safest global color. It symbolizes peace, tranquility, stability, trust, truth, confidence, conservatism, knowledge, power, integrity, security, cleanliness, sky, water and cold.

Blue can slow the pulse rate, lower body temperature and reduce appetite. Blue is considered a business color because it reflects reliability.
  • In China, blue is associated with immortality.
  • For the Jewish faith, blue symbolizes holiness.
  • The pharaohs of ancient Egypt wore blue for protection against evil.
  • If you are "true blue" you are loyal and faithful.


Black can be seen as the color of authority and seriousness. It symbolizes power, wealth, elegance, sexuality, secrecy, sophistication and formality.

Black is one of the most mysterious colors and often evokes feelings of class and elegance.
  • Native Americans associate black with the life-giving soil.
  • If a business is "in the black" it is making money.
  • Black is associated with sophistication and elegance. A "black tie" event is formal.
  • The ancient Egyptians believed that black cats had divine powers.


Green is one of most-often cited favorite colors. It symbolizes nature, environment, health, luck, money, youth, vigor and generosity.

Green is a healing color, the color of nature. It is often worn in operating rooms by surgeons.
  • Ancient Egyptians colored the floors of their temples green.
  • In ancient Greece, green symbolized victory.
  • Green has become the symbolic color of environmentalism.
  • When "all systems are green," it means everything is in order.


Orange is a fun and playful color, not to be used to convey a serious message. It symbolizes balance, warmth, enthusiasm, vibrancy is demanding of attention.

Orange, along with red and yellow have been shown to exert a measurable effect on the autonomic nervous system, which stimulates the appetite.
  • In Ireland orange has religious significance (Protestant).
  • Often used in high visibility clothing and other safety equipment and objects.
  • Taste-wise, orange is connected to the sweet tang of the fruit that bears its name.
  • Popular with fast food restaurants for it's appetite-appealing nature


Purple is a good color to use when targeting younger customers such as children. It symbolizes royalty, power, luxury, spirituality, dignity, nobility and enlightenment.

According to surveys, almost 75 percent of pre-adolescent children prefer purple to all other colors. Purple is a very rare color in nature; some people consider it to be artificial.
  • Purple robes are an emblem of authority and rank.
  • Leonardo Da Vinci believed that the power of meditation increases in purple light.
  • Purple is said to help develop the imagination.
  • Purple is a very rare color in nature; some people consider it to be artificial.


Red is the warmest and most energetic color in the spectrum. It symbolizes passion, provocativeness, excitement, dynamics, speed, strength and urgency.

Red enhances human metabolism, increases respiration rate and raises blood pressure.
  • Red is the color most commonly found in national flags.
  • In China red symbolizes celebration and luck and is used in many cultural ceremonies.
  • In India red is the color of purity.
  • For the ancient Romans, a red flag was a signal for battle.


White is what we see when all colors come together in perfect balance. It symbolizes purity, simplicity, cleanliness, peace, precision, innocence, winter, snow, good, sterility, and marriage.

White is often used in the medical industry and is also associated with healthy foods and dairy products.
  • A white flag is the universal symbol for truce.
  • The ancient Greeks wore white to bed to ensure pleasant dreams.
  • The Egyptian pharaohs wore white crowns.
  • It's considered good luck to be married in a white garment.


In nature, yellow is one of the most un-ignorable of colors. Yellow symbolizes joy, happiness, optimism, idealism, imagination, hope, sunshine, summer, gold, philosophy, spirituality and inspiration.

Studies show that most Americans prefer yellows that are sun baked and warm, such as a sunflower petal.
  • In Asia yellow is sacred, and imperial.
  • In India, yellow is the symbol for a merchant or farmer.
  • A yellow ribbon is a sign of support for soldiers at the front.
  • To holistic healers, yellow is the color of peace.

Sources and Additional Information:

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